24V 250W 360RPM MY1016Z2 EBIKE Brush Motor

Ebike MY1016Z2 250W 360rpm Geared DC motor is a popular reduction dc motor & it’s simply the most commonly used motor for scooters, bikes, and quads available in the market! Also due to its robustness, it is also in many DIY projects like Segway, e-cars, etc and in many robots like ATV robots, combat robots, etc.

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It is normally found in the better-quality quads and scooters on the market and is classed as a mid-range combination. The low range (usually in the cheap kiddie carts) unit is generally a Johnson or Mabuchi 550 motor hooked together to a plastic toy gearbox (pretty poor quality). Most people use this 250W motor as a starting block for building their own carts, warbot, Segways, etc. It’s suitable for kids up to about 5-7 years old (after that they may be getting a little heavy, and any younger and you won’t be able to catch the kids). These use a common mounting block which makes the replacement of a worn or broken motor a painless swap over. They are quite powerful for their small size and extremely reliable.

Additional information
Rated Current(A)




Rated Speed

3300 RPM (speed of motor before geared)
360 RPM (after geared output speed)

Operating Power

250 Watt.

Gear Ratio


Rated Torque (Kg-Cm)


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